Greetings! In the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
My name is Dr. Veronica Reynolds; i am not a christian! ™ However, I Specialize in Spiritual Matters. I am the owner of Eat Twice™ Enterprises II LLC; a faith based, for profit education business. Eat Twice™ isn't just a company for me, it is a ministry first. I specialize in feeding the soul. I have committed my lifestyle to follow God's simple truth and feed souls that would otherwise be destined to hell. I also host the website; HellHasExpanded™; a website intended to provide Spiritual knowledge according to the written Word of God. I am excited to take you on this journey with Hell Has Expanded™.
About Veronica
Veronica Reynolds has been using her Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and her certification as a Substance Abuse Counselor to aid and counsel those in need. Veronica, for decades, has been writing the insights and revelations given to her by God. Her writings were born and developed for such a time as this. She has combined her secular professional training with her spiritual revelations to Edify, Educate, Empower, and Equip individuals on their spiritual journey. Veronica has other God-given visions and revelations that she feels is more beneficial in small groups to move the reader to action.
Veronica is now using her Doctor of Ministry Degree to teach and aid in the healing process of those who lack knowledge of the kingdom of God and their kingdom authority.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.